When we’re neck-deep in the weeds getting our clients’ work done, it’s often helpful to take a step back to see what we’ve been doing and how we’ve done it.
No magical solution works for every project, but if we can celebrate our successes and reflect on the challenges, we can learn how to improve on what comes next.

Building from scratch: A digital journey, part I
In late February I began a project to build a digital museum for the Washington State Jewish Historical Society. This is a new initiative for them — they have long had a website to represent what the organization does, and put together a project-based site a few years back based on famous and not-so-famous Jewish […]

Facebook is about to turn the world as we know it on its head—sixfold
Today, January 27, is the 71st anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. How am I supposed to feel about that? Happy? Relieved? Upset that we have to commemorate the end of such a horrific era in our world’s history? I know about this day because a friend posted a link to an article about it […]

Biking through the Twittersphere
White paper originally published June 2015. Sample datasets can be found here. The question: “In an age of social media, do comments sections still have value?” This is the question posed by Chantal Braganza in J-Source.ca, the Canadian Journalism Project, regarding the ongoing problems news sites have had with vitriolic comments and flame wars […]

When Comcast buys Time-Warner, will my bill go up?
Originally published June 2014 I bought a bourgeois house in the Hollywood hills With a trunkload of hundred thousand dollar bills Man came by to hook up my cable TV We settled in for the night my baby and me We switched ‘round and ‘round ‘til half-past dawn There was fifty-seven channels and nothin’ on […]

I’m teaching a class! Join me!
If you’re in Seattle, and you’ve been interested in learning how to lay out things like brochures, posters, menus, websites – anything, really – you’d benefit from learning InDesign. Adobe InDesign is the industry standard in layout for both print and online, and as flexible as it is, people often need a little help to […]

How can we bring the legacy media into the current century?
Let’s say, just for the heck of it, hypothetically of course, that a local TV station contracted with me to figure out their content strategy across a multitude of devices. Wh at would it look like? What are the challenges that news stations face today that have kept them from realizing their potential to reach […]

The content view: How we make the TV news industry better
This is Part 2 of a series on bringing TV news into the modern age. See Part 1 here. Now that we’ve established where the industry is, let’s talk about making it better. And what does that mean to make it better? Let’s admit it. We wouldn’t have to do much to make incremental improvements. […]

Reimaging TV news: The beginning of solutions
This is Part 3 of a series on bringing TV news into the modern age. See Part 1 and Part 2 here. TV news is TV-focused. A legacy product like the 11 O’Clock news has a lot invested in its brand. And stations get a lot in return from advertisers and viewer loyalty, which has […]