When we’re neck-deep in the weeds getting our clients’ work done, it’s often helpful to take a step back to see what we’ve been doing and how we’ve done it.
No magical solution works for every project, but if we can celebrate our successes and reflect on the challenges, we can learn how to improve on what comes next.

CHAZ – Who’s telling the truth?
The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo told “The Story” Thursday that it was “hard for me to overstate the anarchy that is on the streets” of Seattle following the establishment of an “autonomous zone” by anti-police protesters in the city’s Capitol Hill neighborhood earlier this week. “You have here a group of several hundred people who […]

Resources for Creating Online Learning
Many teachers used to working in the classroom have never had the opportunity to teach remotely. The Refined Story’s founder, Joel Magalnick, is an instructor for online courses at the college level. In this short video series, Joel shares his experience with how to adapt your curriculum for video, how to create and edit video […]

Give us a minute, we’ll elevate your personal brand
Case study: Elevate Your Pitch Did you know that Microsoft—one of the world’s richest companies—gets the majority of its revenue from its network of partner companies? As in 95% of its commercial income? When we’re talking in the tens of billions, that’s a lot of opportunity for small and medium-sized companies to gain a foothold. […]

Gov Pod: A podcast case study
Gov Pod: A Microsoft podcast on AI and digital transformations Goals A Microsoft group that works with governments to help their digital transformations to cloud-based services needed additional materials for their clients and potential clients to understand how moving beyond legacy systems can help them in the next two to three years all the way […]

Why stories matter. And they matter.
It happens to everyone at some point in their life. You lay in bed at night, knowing in your gut that you’re in the wrong place. Maybe it’s the wrong career, the wrong relationship, the wrong city. Maybe it’s the noise of politics, social media, or the never-ending news cycle that doesn’t feel right. Whatever […]

RealityNext goes to college
We know that kids in middle school and high school have a great time going through our story-game making workshops. But we didn’t know how the methodology would transfer to people in different age groups and demographics. So on March 3, we tried something new: we got together with the Virtual Reality Association at the […]

Teens Produce Their First Game in Virtual Reality
When 13 teens showed up at Fluke Hall on the University of Washington campus one wet November day, they had no idea what they were in for. When they emerged from Portal VR in Ballard on Jan. 28, they had just played a virtual reality game they had made through learning, narrative-building, performance and collaboration. […]